Albatross - A Maze

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My Prayer


My heaven their Lord only asset I can afford 

Be mine for as long you will for as long as you exist 

All my meaning lies within 

All that meaning that you have taken

Question, why do you exist why do We exist 

Question that needn’t be answered, a mark that is meaningless? 

Profanity succumbs, why use the word need

Do you need, do we need and do I need

What do I need 

It is absurd when I talk about my existence 

Question, why do I exist

Is there a purpose, is there my purpose in this bright sunlit world 

To my heaven, my existence I say 

Shine bright, shine as much as you can 

Shine and take me, the white blind light 

The light that is divine, the light bright and heavenly 

Take me to that white blind light 

And with it, take all my thoughts and show me how it’s like 
