Albatross - A Maze

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Bound (thought)


If I asked for a moment of your time, to just give a little piece of your mind to this thought, this image of how spectacular would it be for the world to be one single piece of land, I mean the one without those manufactured boundaries of countries?

Keep the same thought in your mind where it’s all alright without the tyrants separating the land, creating boundaries, keeping that in your mind, imagine all those wonders you can achieve. All those things you can do. Be limitless, but at the end of it, what stops you is just yourself with the idea of making boundaries for yourself, setting yourself in limits, even though there is no goal you can’t achieve. No target you can’t hit. No moments of life with impossibilities. All you need to do is be free, no boundaries. All you need to be for yourself, to let yourself be limitless, is to be a tyrant, your own tyrant, cause you can be.
